Message from the Dean Art
September 29, 2021 2024-10-07 12:12Message from the Dean Art

Message from the Dean
Welcome to the College of Education and Arts at Lusail University!
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the students, faculty and staff in the College of Education and Arts. We are a diverse and thriving teaching and learning community committed to promoting excellence and to preparing tomorrow’s leaders, educators, and scholars.
The College of Education and Arts offers high-quality specialized degree programs and university core requirement courses designed to prepare students to meet the needs of the local and international labor markets. We currently offer a Bachelor of Education in English Language Teaching, a Bachelor of Education in Counseling and Mental Health and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.
Our goal is to enhance our existing programs as well as develop new, high-demand undergraduate and graduate programs focused on education, humanities, and the arts in the coming semesters.
At the College of Education and Arts, we are committed to enhancing your educational experience by investing in the development of our academic staff; engaging our students in community services and research; keeping our education curriculum up to date; and hiring outstanding faculty who are accomplished researchers and teachers. Please visit our campus or explore our website to learn more about the programs we offer, the services we provide and the distinguished faculty at our college.
Prof. Ramzi Nasser
Dean of the College of Education and Arts