New Student

The Arabic language track

Applicants must have proficiency in the Arabic language, which is considered a requirement for admission if:

  • The applicant achieved a grade of (65%) or higher in the Qatari General Secondary Education Certificate or its equivalent (graduates of private or public schools within Qatar or outside it where the language of instruction is Arabic).
  • If the applicant’s GPA in the General Secondary Education Certificate or its equivalent is less than (65%), and the student scored (70%) or higher in the Arabic Language course.
  • If the applicant is a native Arabic speaker and a graduate of private schools within or outside Qatar where the language of instruction is not Arabic and achieved a grade of (65%) or higher.

If the above admission requirements are not met, the applicant must take a proficiency test in the Arabic language conducted by Lusail University. Based on the student’s score in the proficiency test, the following will occur:

    • Passing the proficiency test allows the student to continue their studies in the academic program.
    • Enrolling students in the Arabic Language Foundation Program.

During the student’s study of foundational Arabic language courses, they are allowed to register for some university requirement courses as long as the total number of credit hours during the semester does not exceed (12) credit hours.

The English language track

  • Obtaining a minimum average of 65% is required for applicants to the English programs at the College of Information Technology, while this average requirement is waived for applicants to the English programs at the College of Education, Arts, Commerce, and Business
  • Applicants must have proficiency in the English language, which is considered a requirement for admission if:
    • The applicant has achieved a score of (5.5) or higher in IELTS.


    • The applicant is a graduate of private, international, or government schools (British High School Certificate, American Diploma, Canadian Diploma, International Baccalaureate…etc.) within or outside Qatar where the language of instruction is English and obtained a grade of (65%) or higher.
  • If the above admission requirements are not met, the applicant must take a proficiency test in the English language conducted by Lusail University. Based on the student’s score in the proficiency test, the following will occur:
    • Passing the proficiency test allows the student to continue their studies in the academic program.
    • Enrolling the student in the English Language Foundation Program.

During the student’s study of foundational English language courses, they are allowed to register for some university requirement courses as long as the total number of credit hours during the semester does not exceed (12) credit hours.

The French language track:

  • Applicants must have proficiency in the French language, which is considered a requirement for admission if:
    • The applicant holds a French Baccalaureate certificate or its equivalent from a francophone school with a grade of 65% or higher.
  • If the above admission requirement is not met, the applicant must take a proficiency test in the French language conducted by Lusail University.
    • Based on the student’s score in the proficiency test, the following will occur:
      • Passing the proficiency test allows the student to continue their studies in the academic program.
      • The student’s major will be changed to another whose language of instruction is not French.

If the applicant holds a high school diploma from a non-francophone school, they are subject to a proficiency test in the French language and then enroll in the foundation year.

Be part of Lusail University, Be part of the future.

Contact The Admission Unit

00974 - 44011121

الأسئلة الشــائعة

  • ما هو نظام الدفع المتبع في جامعة لوسيل؟

    يتم العمل بنظام الأقساط لدفع الرسوم الدراسية في جامعة لوسيل.

  • كيف يمكنني التأكد من إكتمال طلب القبول؟

    يمكنك التأكد من اكتمال طلب القبول بعد استكمال ثلاث خطوات رئيسية وهي:

    • تعبئة جميع البيانات الشخصية المطلوبة
    • ارفاق المستندات المطلوبة
    • اختيار التخصص
    • دفع رسوم طلب القبول
  • كيف يعرف الطالب المتقدم قرار القبول؟

    يتم التواصل مع الطالب عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني الذي قام بإضافته في طلب القبول عند التقديم

  • هل يمكن إعادة اختبار تحديد المستوى؟

    لا يمكن إعادة الاختبار

  • ماهي رسوم اختبار تحديد المستوى؟

    رسوم اختبار تحديد المستوى هي 150 ريال قطري، يتم دفعها بعد قبول الطالب.

  • هل يمكنني تأجيل قبولي لفصل أو عام دراسي؟

    نعم، يمكنك ذلك بالتواصل مع البريد الالكتروني لوحدة القبول التالي:

  • كيف أتقدم لطلب الانسحاب من الجامعة؟

    يمكنك التقديم بطلب الانسحاب من الجامعة قبل انتهاء فترة الحذف والإضافة عن طريق التواصل مع البريد الالكتروني لوحدة القبول التالي:

  • ماهي مدة برامج الماجستير بجامعة لوسيل؟

    مدة برامج الماجستير هي سنتان، تقسم على أربع فصول دراسية.

  • هل يوجد مقابلة شخصية للتقديم على برامج الدراسات العليا؟

    نعم، يخضع جميع المتقدمين المؤهلين لبرامج الدراسات العليا إلى مقابلة اللجنة المعنية بإجراء المقابلات الشخصية معهم.

  • هل اختبار الايلتس الزامي لكل متقدمي الدراسات العليا؟

    لا، يتم طلبه من طالب الدراسات العليا في حال اختار الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية.