Student Learning Support Center
October 11, 2023 2024-02-19 11:51Student Learning Support Center
Student Learning Support Center

Praise be to Allah who taught man what he did not know, I am honored to welcome you to the main page of the center.
We hope and are keen that the center will be a beacon for the development of student’s abilities and skills by offering everything new and useful to increase the efficiency and quality of the educational process and keep up with the vision of education in the State of Qatar in creativity and innovation.
From this standpoint, the center provides the “Peer-Tutoring ” program by selecting a group of distinguished students in all colleges, who help and teach their fellow students, which contributes to enhancing self-confidence, taking responsibility, and creating the right educational environment.
One of our current plans is to support students in their courses through supplementary sessions through enhancement lessons in Arabic and English, enhancement lessons in analytical and quantitative subjects such as mathematics, statistics, and accounting and studies in scientific research matters, and enhancement lessons and support in any other course as needed.
One of our plans is to establish specialized departments and units that offer a range of interactive workshops that aim to provide students with the necessary skills for university success to achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals.
I am pleased to receive all your requests and comments, and we are committed to harnessing all the capabilities available to the center to serve you and meet your needs. It is also my pleasure to extend my thanks and appreciation to all the employees of the university and the center, and we ask Allah Almighty for success and repayment in carrying this trust and that it be sincere to the face of the Almighty and the elevation of our esteemed university and our dear country.
The vision of the Student Learning Support Center at Lusail University is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills so that their success is not limited to academic life but also includes achieving their personal and professional goals.
The Student Learning Support Center (SLSC) at Lusail University is distinguished by providing many academic services to all undergraduate students. These services include supporting students in their courses through supplementary sessions and various workshops, containing workshops on writing skills, in addition to helping them take responsibility by recognizing their rights and duties, and adapting to the requirements of university life in general. The center provides an opportunity for students to collaborate and exchange information through the “peer- tutoring” system, which contributes to enhancing self-confidence and creating a healthy environment for education.
- Offering academic services based on a thorough study of the student’s individual needs.
- Establishing self-learning strategies and critical analytical thinking skills to ensure the student’s continuous learning process.
- Enhance interpersonal skills to help students identify and achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals.
- Developing the “Peer-Tutoring” program according to the active learning strategy while maintaining the guiding role of the course instructor.
- Using modern educational technologies that increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning and teaching process.
The Student Learning Support Center’s Quality Standards are aligned with Lusail University’s vision and mission and include the following:
- Utilizing highly qualified trainers and specialists.
- Evaluate all the center’s services on a regular basis and develop them continuously to meet customer expectations.
- Maintaining the continuous education process for students improves their academic, professional, and personal levels.
- Use modern technology and diverse techniques to increase operational efficiency.
- Work to increase the number of beneficiaries of the center’s services by measuring goals periodically.
- Supporting students in their courses through supplementary sessions and workshops
- Helping students take responsibility by recognizing their rights and duties
- Helping students adapt to the requirements of university life in general
- Students collaborate and exchange information through the “Peer-Tutoring” system
- Academic guidance service to help students draw and achieve their goals
- The center contributes to enhancing self-confidence and creating the right environment for education
For more information:
Telephone:44774360 /44011141
B212 / Male Building