Insurance Law

Insurance Law

The insurance industry is considered one of the advanced industries in developed countries, where it contributes significantly to the overall economy of the state. Insurance is a social and economic system aimed at forming reserves to face uncertain risks that individuals and institutions may encounter. The Qatari legislator has been involved in the insurance industry since the 1960s, and Qatari laws regulating the insurance process, both technically and legally, have been continuously developed. Therefore, this book addresses the technical and legal aspects of insurance in the state of Qatar.
The book is divided into two main parts: the first part is divided into two sections dedicated to studying the technical aspects of insurance. The first section defines insurance and its origin, technical foundations, classifications, and legitimacy. The second section studies the elements of insurance: risk, premium, insurance amount, and insurable interest. The book’s second part focuses on the legal aspects of insurance by studying the general provisions of the insurance contract in Qatari law, comparing them with some Arab and foreign legislations. This study is divided into three sections: the first section covers the mechanism of concluding an insurance contract, the second section addresses the effects of the insurance contract on the obligations of the insurer and the insured, and the third section examines the expiration of the insurance contract. The study highlights practical aspects of insurance cases by presenting relevant judicial applications from the Qatari Court of Cassation, some higher courts in the Arab region, and the French Court of Cassation.