Dr. Kays Al Sheik

Dr. Kays Al Sheik

Kays Al Sheik Associate Professor

Dr. Kays Al Sheik


Associate Professor

Name: Kays Abdel Wahab Al-Sheikh

Specialization: Sharia and Law

Teaching Experience in Sharia and legal courses since 1997 at a number of Arab universities, including Department of Legal Administration at the Technical Institute, Al-Hadba University College, and University of Mosul (Iraq), Ajman University, University of Sharjah, American University in Dubai, Imam Malik College of Sharia and Law (UAE), and finally Lusail University (Qatar).

Research Articles & Books

 Research Articles:

Published 25 scientific research papers in specialized peer-reviewed journals, including:

  1. Problems of Inheriting Personal Belongings in Al-Habwa. Joint. Accepted for publication at the Journal of the College of Law and Political Science, University of Kirkuk, 4/7/2021.
  2. Marriage License between Necessity and Legitimacy. Joint. Accepted for publication at Al-Rafidain Journal of Law, College of Law, University of Mosul, 4/8/2021.
  3. Marriage of Humanization between Interest and Legitimacy. Joint. Accepted for publication at Tikrit University Journal of Law, 7/12/2021.
  4. Provisions of Electronic Inheritance. Accepted for publication at the Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry. Scopus. 16/06/2021.
  5. Introducing The Electronic Legacy. Joint. Accepted for publication at Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology. Scopu
  6. The Hermaphrodite Inheritance Problem in Islamic Jurisprudence and Iraqi Law. 2022. J published at Al-Rafidain Journal of Law 80/24.


  1. Ownership of Marital Home Furniture, Dar Al-Hamid for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan, 2007.
  2. Women’s Inheritance in Islamic Sharia and Comparative Laws, Dar Al-Hamid for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan, 2008.
  3. Provisions of inheritance, will, and endowment in Islamic law, and what must be done in the UAE Personal Status Law No. 28 of 2005 AD (Joint), Bright Horizons Publishers, Emirates, 2011, a textbook in a number of UAE universities.
  4. Provisions of personal status for Muslims in Islamic jurisprudence and the UAE Law No. 28 of 2005 AD, Bright Horizons Publishers 2012, a textbook in a number of UAE universities.
  5. Al-Wajeez in the History of Islamic Legislation and its Sources, Dar Al-Nahda, 2020 (Joint), Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, 2020, a textbook at Ajman University, UAE.